{sir c.v Raman was a great scientist. He was awarded the nobel prize for his work on scattering of light and his discovery  of the effect of light Raya {raman Effect}. the government gifted him 25 acres of land to carry out furthur research work. Raman institute was the dreamchild of sir c.v Raman.}

Sir c.v Raman was born on november 7, 1888 in trichy. He was the son of chandrashekara iyer and parvathi amaal. chandrashekara iyer was proffessor of physicsat hindhu collage, Vishakapattana. Raman studide there at the indhu collage high school. he was very much interested in science books from collage student and red them. Thus, from his early days, he showed greate interest in science. unfortunately, he used to fall sick very now and then, and he was not abale to attend school regualary.

In spite of his poor heleath, he got I class in his Marticulation examination when he was only he boy of twelve. He passed the intermediate examination from hindu collage, and joined presidencey collage, Madras for his B,A. His relatives wanted him to give up science and take history and economics as his special subjects for B.A. science Raman had made up is mind to study science, he took physic. He passed his B.A. securing the first rank, and a number of prize. He passed his M.A. {physics} in january 1907. 

After his M.A. Raman wanted to go to the united kingdom for higher studies in science. But is health broke down again, and he could not go. this was the greatest disappointment in his life. His realitives asked him to give up his study of science, and a take a compative examination in calcutta, in history and economics. Ram did so, and go and along well with his new subject. his got of the deputy accountant General in 1907, at Calcuatta. His realatives perhaps felt happy to see that raman had settiled down well in life. But Raman was not happy. How could a scientist like Raman put up with the life of a deputy Accounting General? He felt like a fish out for water in his new post. But he still had hopes of becoming a scientist and was waiting for an opportunity. 

Even an deputy Accountant General, Raman mixed with scientists and took interest in science. one day, while returning from his office, he saw a banner outside a bulding on which was printed -THE INDIAN ASSOCITION OF SCIENTISTS. at the sight of that banner, Raman got off the moving train and went to meet the scientist who had gathered in that bulding. sometime leter, when he was in Rangoon, he learnt that an institution had bought a piece of modren scientific appareatus. He hurriedly put on his clothis and went to have a look at it. such was the intwrest he had in science.

In 1911, Raman was appointed special Accountant General for post and Telegraphs in Calcutta. But when he was offered the post of professor at calcutta University, he jumped at the offer and accepted the post gladly. after woprking at calcutta University science in bengaloru. The Raman research institute was started in 1948. Raman resigned his post at the indian institute of science and became the directer of the research institute. Here he conducted his research in physics in physics until his death. 

Raman was a great scientist. Throughout his life he was intensely attached to science. For the sake of science, he gave up the highly paid post of the special Accountant General and accepted a professorship at calcutta University. Earlier cold. like all great scientists.Raman had a lot of curiosity. Earlier in his life, while on a voyage to Europe, he saw the wonderful blue of the Mediterranean sea. this led to his work on the Laws on the Laws of light Scattering in liquids and it ended in his discovery of the Raman Effect. He was awarded the Nobel prize for this in 1930.


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